Rajkot man surprises doctors with rare blood group In a world where medical breakthroughs are celebrated, a man from Rajkot, India has made medical history. Doctors were surprised to discover a rare blood group in the man, who had come in for a blood transfusion.


The blood group discovered in the Rajkot man is EMMS-negative, a rare type that has been found in only 11 people worldwide. This blood type lacks the E, M, and S antigens, which are usually present in the blood of most individuals.

Another world-first discovery in Rajkot

This is not the first time that Rajkot has made medical history. The city has been the site of several world-first medical breakthroughs, including the discovery of the world’s first case of a cancerous tumor in a 10-year-old girl.

Rajkot updates: rare blood group found

The discovery of the rare blood group in the Rajkot man has been making headlines in the city. Rajkotupdates.news, a local news outlet, has been following the story closely and keeping readers up-to-date on the latest developments.

11th case worldwide of EMMS-negative blood group

The EMMS-negative blood group is extremely rare, and this discovery marks only the 11th known case worldwide. This makes the discovery all the more remarkable, and doctors are eager to learn more about this unusual blood group.rajkotupdates.news:emm-negative-rare-blood-group-found-in-rajkot-man-11th-such-case-worldwide

One man in Rajkot makes medical history

The Rajkot man with the rare blood group has become something of a local celebrity. His discovery has been celebrated by the medical community, and he has even been featured in local news reports.

Rajkot man with rare blood group thrives

Despite the rarity of his blood group, the Rajkot man has been living a healthy and active life. Doctors report that he has not experienced any health problems related to his blood type, and he is doing well.


The discovery of the rare blood group in the Rajkot man has brought joy to the medical community. Doctors are optimistic that this discovery could lead to new breakthroughs in the field of blood transfusions and could potentially help others with rare blood types.

Rajkot man’s rare blood type brings hope to others

The discovery of the rare blood group in the Rajkot man has given hope to others with rare blood types. It has demonstrated that even the rarest blood types can be found and that medical breakthroughs can be made.

EMMS-negative blood type: What you need to know

The EMMS-negative blood group is a rare type that lacks the E, M, and S antigens found in most people’s blood. While it is extremely rare, it is not dangerous or harmful in any way. Those with this blood type can still donate blood and receive transfusions.

Rajkotupdates.news: Celebrating medical breakthroughs

As a local news outlet, Rajkotupdates.news has been closely following the story of the rare blood group found in the Rajkot man. They have been celebrating the medical breakthrough and bringing the news to readers in the city.

Rare blood group found in Rajkot man, a cause for celebration

The discovery of the rare blood group in the Rajkot man has been cause for celebration in the medical community. It has demonstrated that even the rarest medical conditions can be found and that there is always hope for new breakthroughs.

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