How to tell the difference between stomach gas and heart attack?
Have you ever experienced a sharp pain in your chest after eating a hearty meal? All of us have, however, gone through it at some point. But usually this pain after eating is quite common. It is considered normal for a human to pass gas 10 to 15 times a day. But when it gets filled in the abdomen, it can lead to chest pain due to gas after a hearty meal.
Gas chest pain and heart attack are often confused. As chest pain is one of the common symptoms of heart attack. And experiencing a sudden chest pain can be troubling. Although both the conditions have different causes and other symptoms that come with heart attack and gas chest pain are different.
What is meant by gas pain and heart attack?
Gas pain:
This discomfort arises from trapped gas in the digestive system. Common causes include swallowing air while eating or drinking, consuming certain foods like beans or cruciferous vegetables, or in case you have constipation.
Heart attack:
A life threatening medical emergency occurring when a blocked coronary artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart. Serious complications may result from this damaging or destroying heart tissue.
It is important to reach out to the best cardiology hospital in Coimbatore to seek immediate treatment to avoid any complications.
What are the common symptoms of gas pain in the chest?
Intestinal or abdominal gas, which includes deodorized gasses like nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide is the cause of gas pain symptoms in the chest. The symptoms of gas pain in the chest often fade away on their own and can resemble heart attack symptoms. Also, there are situations when chest pain caused by gas negatively affects your quality of life and daily activities. If you are facing any of the following symptoms reach out to a doctor,
- Passing of gas from mouth (bletching)
- Indigestion
- Bloating
- Passing gas (flatulence)
- Abdominal cramps
What are the signs of a heart attack?
The level of coronary artery blockage, the patient’s overall health, and any underlying diseases can affect an individual’s heart attack symptoms. Although gas pain and heart attack pain may seem similar, a heart attack is a potentially life threatening illness that can show certain symptoms like:
- Increased heart beat
- Shortness of breath
- Pain in one or both arms
- Sudden fatigue
- Vomiting or nausea
- Sweating
What are the common differences between gas pain and heart attack?
Heartburn, gas, and heart attacks can present with similar symptoms. The buildup of gas in the stomach or in the left part of the colon is usually the cause of the feeling of gas pain. However, the only way to diagnose the underlying cause of chest pain is to perform a complete checkup.
The ability to distinguish between the common symptoms of a heart attack and gas pain in the chest is important. Chest pain can be exactly diagnosed by using certain parameters like causes, symptoms, risk factors, and diagnostic procedures.
How does a heart attack occur?
Fortyhe heart muscle to function properly, oxygen is needed, and coronary blood flow provides this oxygen. However, the buildup of cholesterol and fat may cause these arteries to narrow. Blood clots form in the arteries as a result of plaque breaking gradually.
Blood carrying oxygen cannot enter the heart muscle because of blood clotting. Consequently, oxygen is denied to the muscle. Ischemia is the name given to this crisis. A heart attack is the result of ischemia, which can harm or even kill a portion of the heart muscle.
What are the key differences between stomach gas and heart attack?
Both gas pain and heart attack can manifest with chest pain, but other accompanying symptoms can help differentiate them:
The location and nature of pain:
Gas pain:
- Typically discomfort in middle of chest or lower chest.
- Frequently described as a cramping, piercing, or sharp feeling
- May improve with passing gas.
Heart attack:
- It is most commonly felt in the center or left side of the chest, but it can radiate to other areas like the arms, neck, jaw, or back.
- It can be described as squeezing, pressure, tightness, or aching sensation.
- Pain remains persistent and does not improve with passing gas.
The onset of conditions and triggers:
Gas pain:
- Often occurs after eating certain foods or beverages
- May be worsened by stress or anxiety
- Pain tends to come and go with time
Heart attack:
- It can happen at any time, irrespective of recent food intake
- It cannot be influenced by stress or anxiety
- Pain generally starts suddenly and tends to continue
When should you seek medical help?
It is important to understand when to seek medical attention, especially when separating symptoms such as gastric pain from heart attack symptoms. If you feel any doubt or abnormality immediately, reaching out to medical attention can save lives.
What are the key points to remember stomach gas and heart attack?
- Early diagnosis and treatment are important in managing both gas pain and heart attacks, but particularly for heart attacks, where time is crucial.
- Do not ignore any chest pain, seek immediate medical attention for proper evaluation and care.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management can help reduce the risk of both gas pain and heart attacks.
Important Takeaway:
Differentiating between heart attack symptoms and gas pain is important to avoid making hasty decisions regarding one’s own health. Heart attacks include serious medical conditions like shortness of breath, radiating pain or discomfort, chest pain, whereas gas pain usually consists of bloating and mild discomfort. Stressing the need for prompt action when dealing with possible heart attack symptoms is crucial.
Also, keep yourself updated on these differences so you can make wise decisions. Consult the Best Cardiologist Doctor In Coimbatore if you are experiencing any signs of heart attack.