When was the last time you visited your gynaecologists? What if we say, your next routine check-up may save your life from a severe health problem? Yes, you heard that right. You must have heard a lot about HPV infection, and cervical cancers lately from your friends and colleagues. It’s a common virus that has affected millions of people worldwide. And the most sneaky part? Symptoms of HPV infection are sometimes unnoticeable! Moreover, it may lead to serious health issues such as cervical cancer. So, dear women! What’s your take on it? Don’t you think it’s time to prioritise your sexual well-being and take an HPV test right away?

Well thought! We’re with you on this journey and let us help you with it. Introducing – LifeCell’s HPV Test for women. This at-home, self-collection test kit screens for 24 high-risk HPV strains in women. Don’t wait any longer! Take the HPV test today, take charge of your health.

Some Facts About HPV

Based on research, about 80% of sexually active people may develop HPV at some point in their lives since the infection spreads through skin-to-skin contact. Almost ninety per cent of newly diagnosed HPV infections resolve on their own. Certain HPV strains are persistent, and if not identified or treated, they may cause long-term health issues. 

Navigating Symptoms Of HPV In Women

When HPV infects an individual, the immune system begins to fight the infection immediately (depending on the type of virus). Also, in most HPV infection cases, even the warts don’t develop on the skin. 

Infection caused by different kinds of HPV imparts varied symptoms, which are listed below- 

  • Common warts: They usually appear on the hands and fingers of the infected person. Common warts have an appearance of raised bumps with rough edges. In some cases, they may be painful or even likely to bleed. 
  • Genital warts: These have crested bumps that occasionally resemble cauliflowers. As the name suggests, they develop around the genitals1. In women, genital warts predominantly appear on the vulva, in the vagina, or near the anus. Whereas in men, they appear on the penis, scrotum or at the anus. Genital warts generally don’t cause any irritations but they can occasionally itch or feel sore. 
  • Flat warts: These are raised but flat-topped bumps. These can appear anywhere but children commonly get them on their faces. Men prominently get them around their beard region while in women they mostly appear on legs. 
  • Plantar warts: These warts grow in the most uncommon places as compared to other warts. Plantar warts appear at the bottom of the feet (near the heel or padded region). 

A high-risk HPV infection shows no symptoms. However, sometimes, a prolonged HPV infection can develop precancerous cells at the cervix. These precancerous cells can further lead to some minor symptoms, which can only be diagnosed with a cervical cancer screening test. (Precancerous is a term used to describe a medical condition that may further transform into cancer). 

Why Does Prevention Matter?

While it’s critical to recognise the symptoms of HPV, prevention is just as vital. The first line of defence is to take vaccination, on time. Secondly, taking charge of your health can have a huge impact. You can do it with the help of LifeCell’s HPV Test Kit for women. This test checks for 24 high-risk HPVs amongst which 3 are major high-risk strains (HPV-16, HPV-18 & HPV-45). The remaining 21 are other high-risk ones. All of these variations have the potential to develop into cervical cancer if left undetected. 

The Final Takeaway

If you’ve been sexually active lately and experiencing unexplained symptoms just as mentioned above, it’s time to get an HPV test. Regular testing can guide healthcare decisions and improve outcomes. Without further delay, order your LifeCell HPV test kit today and get screened for potential high-risk strains. 

To order, call 1800 266 5533 or visit https://www.lifecell.in/ 

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